Pietrasanta in concerto, 2024

Season poster for a chamber music festival in Tuscany, Italy.

Prokofiev festival for BOZAR and the Belgian National Orchestra, 2023

Season poster for a classical music festival in Brussels.

Pietrasanta in concerto, 2023

Season poster for a chamber music festival in Tuscany, Italy.

Pietrasanta in concerto, 2021

Season poster “La Luce della Musica” for the yearly chamber music festival in Tuscany, Italy.

La Luce della Musica 2021.jpeg

Sablon Music Series, 2020

Season Poster “Equal Temperament” for a chamber music series in Brussels.

Sablon Music Series.jpg

Literary award, 2020

Collaboration with the Prix Filigranes to create a work based on the prizewinning novel: Le monde n’existe pas, Fabrice Humbert, Éditions Gallimard.


Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra, 2019

Season poster for the Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra in Athens, led by Dionysis Grammenos.


Pietrasanta in Concerto, 2020

Season poster for the yearly chamber music festival in Tuscany, Italy.


International Music Director, 2020

Magazine ad placed by an international music director.

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